Maui No Ka 'Oi Magazine
About Maui No Ka 'Oi Magazine
Six times a year, the magazine brings stories by award-winning writers and photographers to subscribers and newsstands. Each issue presents explorations into Hawaiian culture guided by respected practitioners; activities by land, air and sea; an open door into distinctive island homes, a Maui events calendar and "day in the life" of Maui people whose jobs range from cowboy to astrophysicist to hula dancer. The magazine’s coverage of issues important to residents — from cane burning, to GMOs, to struggles over water rights between agribusinesses and indigenous farmers — is consistently thoughtful and objective.
Recognized by the Western Publishing Association as one of the best regional magazines west of the Mississippi, Maui Nō Ka ʻOi appears in mailboxes and on newsstands throughout the United States, in seven foreign countries . . . and right here, any time you need aloha!

Company Contact
Chris Amundson | |
8082428331 | |